What Is It?

The Datepart Action Command enables the automatic capture of specific information based on a date variable. The date variable may be directly captured within the survey (for example, asking the respondent for their date of birth), or it may be the system variable that captures the date and time at the commencement of the survey (this variable is called SurveyEntryStartDateTime).

Available for: Single, Verbatim, and Verbatims questions.

How Do I Specify It?

  1. Right mouse-click on the target variable in the Designer Pane
  2. Select Action Command from the Quick Menu
  3. Select DATEPART from the drop-down list
  4. Enter the variable to be inserted, prefaced with an "@" (as shown below)
  5. Click "OK" to close the dialogue box.

Examples of Use

Target Variable Datepart Explanation
Verbatim MONTHNAME,@SurveyEntryStartDateTime Inputs the name of the month from the survey start date

DATEPART Command Options

Command Example Result* Explanation
WEEKDAY,@SurveyEntryStartDateTime Tuesday Survey was started on a Tuesday
DAY,@SurveyEntryStartDateTime 15 Survey was started on the 15th
MONTH,@SurveyEntryStartDateTime 03 Survey was started on the third month
MONTHNAME,@SurveyEntryStartDateTime March Survey was started in March
MONTHNAME_SHORT,@SurveyEntryStartDateTime Mar Survey was started in March
YEAR,@SurveyEntryStartDateTime 2016 Survey was started in 2016
YEAR_SHORT,@SurveyEntryStartDateTime 16 Survey was started in 2016
TIMEOFDAY,@SurveyEntryStartDateTime afternoon Survey was started after midday, and before 6pm
HOUR,@SurveyEntryStartDateTime 01 Survey was started after 1 o’clock (and before 2)
HOUR24,@SurveyEntryStartDateTime 13 Survey was started after 1pm (and before 2pm)
AGE,@DOB 43 Respondent is 43 years of age

*Where @SurveyEntryStartDateTime = Mar 15 2016 1:28PM