What Is It?

The Get Action Command is used to automatically insert the value of another variable into a new question.

Available for: Single, Verbatim, and Verbatims questions.

How Do I Specify It?

  1. Right mouse-click on the target variable in the Designer Pane
  2. Select Action Command from the Quick Menu
  3. Select GET from the drop-down list
  4. Enter the variable to be inserted, prefaced with an "@" (as shown below)
  5. Click "OK" to close the dialogue box.

Examples of Use

Target Variable Get Explanation
Verbatim @CurrentDate Inserts a time stamp into the question
Single @LoopDriver1_CurrentAnswer Inserts the code selected in the current loop iteration
Single @LoopDriver1_Current Inserts the loop iteration
Verbatim @URL Inserts the Survey URL into the question