02 Answer Text

What Is It?

This is the value label for the individual answer.

How Do I Use This?

Answer text may be entered via the Quick Update Box (accessible by right mouse-clicking on the question object in the Designer Pane), or via the Answers Tab in the Properties Pane.

Using the Quick Update Box

Enter the answer text into the Answers field. If you wish to also enter a Code number, the code must be entered into the Answers field first, followed by a space or fullstop and then the Answer Text. When using the Quick Update Box, it is not necessary to enter the code number, as Survey Shaper will automatically assign sequential codes (starting at 1) to each answer text labels entered.

Quick update screen showing answer specification

Using the Answers Tab

Answer text may also be specified via the Answer Text field in the Answers Tab. Answer text can be changed manually at any time, without affecting skips, recodes, piping, etc.

See also

01 Code